Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Halloween Traditions

Most years we celebrate Halloween with pumpkin carving & pumpkin pasta.
I stole the pasta tradition from my sweet friend Joyce who made it every year for our small group. Grab the recipe here (it's savory and delicious).

When Charles and I were dating we began combining it with pumpkin carving and we continued the tradition this past Sunday night for date night. It felt so sweet as I looked back at the first year we carved together. I lived in a lovely little house on the same block we just moved onto. I have such fond memories of that street and season and it is so special to build memories in a new way. Home finally feels settled and sitting across from each other to share a meal is our new favorite. I knew we were missing out on that element the past 4+ years but we love it so, so much.

It is crazy to think this time next year we'll be carving a pumpkin with a kiddo (well, for our kiddo).

Happy Halloween (and finally Fall weather), friends! 

Look how happy he is (ps, he made that table!!). I love these moments. 

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