Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Work it Wednesday: Baby McAllen

Welcome to the world, Everett McAllen!
Last week I had such a fun morning shooting with the McAllen Family.

I can imagine that on the morning of a photo shoot with my newborn I would be frantic, freaking out about my weird hair and nervously hoping everyone is behaved for good photos. But the whole McAllen family was such a delight. I loved the peaceful, emotion filled, natural presence they brought. Plus, baby Everett was perfect the whole time. He rocked the session with his most smile filled day and didn't cry a bit.

From a behind the scenes prospective: I love the super dreamy baby photos that are popular right now. The baby is propped on a comfy covered bucket or similar item while dreaming peacefully. However, that just isn't my style. It's easy for me to compare and wish it was since they are so lovely. But, I am much more of a natural, true to life scenery person. I know this doesn't fit everyone's preference but I loved the real beauty that was brought out at this session. I hope these pictures are future reminders of this new season, this home they brought their first child into and all the special moments they are experiencing.

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