Call us lame if you want but we've had a long running phrase between us. Well, we've had a lot but this one is MJP. There have been a lot of interesting guesses as to what that means but it's pretty simple: Maggie Jesus Phylicia. Yup, just our dorky phrase from high school about how we love Jesus and He is the main part of our friendship. It's stuck around and I am quite fond of it.
Some more history for you.. I haven't always gotten along with Maggie's boyfriends very well. She liked mine but the feeling wasn't mutual. We actually always fought more than anything. It wasn't a jealousy thing. I think it might be a mix of not the greatest guys and us just clashing. But there is someone who I have always gotten along with - Jala. Before Maggie and Jala started dating Jala and I had some great conversations and he was always such an affirming gentleman. When they started dating I sat him down and gave him my speech about treating her well. When things were tough on multiple occasions I communicated with them both. I like Jala. No I love Jala. I have seen so much grace, Jesus, love, growth and heart in him. This one is different. Tonight I thought about the fact that we also = mjp. I think it fits well.

MJP (b)

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