We were each overloaded with goodness.
Let's start with the beginning:
Taste: We stopped for tacos at the very genuine Alta Mexican Market which Kyle had previously raved about. I absolutely love tacos so this was fabulous. Not to mention they had my rare favorite flavor of Arizona Iced Tea (Half Tea Half Passion).
Smell: The mountains up there smell way different than the local ones. Way better. It reminded me of camping when I was younger and many adventures. Which leads to feel..
Feel: It's finally cooling off from the hot drive through Bakersfield. We have to soak up the mountain air. It is so refreshing!
See: The sun was just dropping below the sky line and left a dusk painted sky over the city lights below. The trees painted silhouettes in the sky. Two of my favorite things came together as we climbed the elevation.
Hear: iPod party playlist - pass it around the car as everyone picks their favorite song to sing our hearts out to. You can't help but smile when Kyle sings Taylor Swift (Don't judge - not my song choice). Then the moments where we close our eyes and just hear the cool wind pass by.
This is all just the car ride up! Gosh, there was so much that continued to overwhelm us.

More to come..
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