Thursday, August 6, 2009


Two signs I am stressed:
-knots in my stomach
-knots in my shoulders

Right now I sit at my Coffee Bean in Las Vegas with both signs. I am making a list of things I need to do/gather before I leave, people to say bye to, last hoorah events to be had and deciding when to actually leave.

I am leaving las Vegas earlier than originally planned, earlier than I thought two weeks ago and now earlier than I thought yesterday. Ya know.. why plan? Plans are ever changing. I am trying my best to go with the flow. Making decisions and putting my foot down where needed are not my strong points. I'd rather do what you want than what I want. I am working on a happy medium.

All that to say - time to load up the car one last time, run final errands and enjoy the next 24 hours or so. Woah, weird.

Last night Rachel and I found some adventures while taking a few final pictures of LV. Lot's of traffic, purse snacks and high winds all amount to laughing and good times.

View from the airport:




Seems like not long ago we arrived and took pictures with the sign:

To be continued with parting thoughts and images.

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