I am engaged to Charles Stoicu. While it has been almost 3 weeks, it is still a little surreal. First, I'll tell the story (for those who haven't heard and want to read) or feel free to scroll down to the photo story.
Charles, myself and some friends had been planning an Arrowhead get a way to a friend's cabin. Why? Cause we were ready for a weekend away, cause we needed cooler weather and cause we wanted quality time with friends. This trip was with friends we don't get to see a lot and during a very busy time so I was pretty impressed we were getting together at all.
On the way up the mountain, after a lot of traffic, I find out that our friends are running late or haven't left yet. I was a little bummed by the lack of communication but was ready to enjoy a mellow evening. Charles and I headed to dinner and then would meet them at the cabin. Dinner was kinda fancy which surprised me and then our not so sly hostess seemed overly excited about something. This made me wonder if MAYBE something could happen. Honestly, I got a little nervous. I felt like it might be a little awkward to get proposed to at a restaurant. Anyway, dinner finished and we left. I was thrilled by the cold weather and mellow weekend ahead so we moved on to the cabin.
When we arrived and walked inside I found it totally decorated. There was burlap dressing up the counters, fall leaves, lamps, candles and two lattes in our mugs! At this point, I knew THIS WAS IT. Charles led me outside to a patio strung with lights and a table for two decorated to match the inside. There were 3 large mounted collage prints of memories he uncovered. He sat me down and gave me a wrapped gift. Inside was a book I gave him for our one year anniversary. On the last page representing the future of our relationship I drew two stick figures (not my talent) and said, "place future photos here" like a to be continued. Charles worked from the back of the book in with pictures and captions. He walked me through significant moments, places, challenges, growths and much more. While my mind wandered to what might happen next (and I reminded myself to take in what he was saying), he so thoroughly communicated through such significant pieces of our relationship and what I meant to him. We switched continuously from laughing to crying and back. On the last page there was a collage with photos of us in black and white and a picture of the ring in the middle. I briefly glanced and looked at him down on one knee in which he asked, "Will You Marry Me?". Before really seeing the ring we hugged and kissed and took in the moment. Then he placed the ring on my finger!
After a few moments we went inside where the perfect background music was playing and danced for a few songs. This was such a great way to take in the moment, talk about what just took place and hear all the details that were in the works for so long.
After a few minutes, we went outside to enjoy the pie and ice cream that was on the table. Before we could there a whole crew of friends came up from downstairs. I was still really overwhelmed and went straight back to crying. It was so exciting to share the moment with people we love so much.
Charles had asked our friends to come prepared with a story about us they wanted to share. We enjoyed lattes, dessert, and a great time of support. I seriously loved every minute of it.
Here's the deal.. I am really hard to surprise. I don't even try but I catch on. Even if people think they are sneaky. But, I've always wanted to be surprised on this occasion. And I was! Still feels like a miracle. Charles did the best job of acting normal, keeping me out of the loop and making this such a well thought out occasion. And eventually I found out our friend Kyle was tucked near a tree taking photos (THANKS KYLE). I've always wanted this as well! We had the weekend to take it in, enjoy friends, celebrate and talk future dreams. It was the best. I am so incredibly thankful for how well Charles planned and all the details he included, for so many friends being present and for all the celebration that followed.
Now, for the photos:
Dinner by the lake:

The patio set up:

He is down on one knee!

We're engaged! Tears and so happy:


The celebration continues:

Thank you thank you to all of you who drove, set up, waited and celebrated us. Thank you to all of you for the many congratulations, celebrations, asking of the story and support. We really felt and feel so loved and encouraged. What better way to begin life together than with such great support?
Thank you to Charles for loving me so well, journeying with me, working through challenges and choosing to do life with me. This is good!
Here - we - go!
1 comment:
Phylicia, that was beautiful! Absolutely beautiful!
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