A few weeks ago my Sunday morning was spent with a handful of great families. After capturing Amy's twin's birthday party last year I was stoked to see them again and do a holiday photo shoot. A serious big thank you goes out to Amy for getting together her friends and family for the day. It was a blast to meet the families and document all the cute kids!
It's December and it is that time! For those that are really on their game, Christmas cards are in the mail.
I've designed a few cards recently. If you are interested in one of these or have any questions just let me know! It's all going to fly by and be here before we know it. It's funny how that happens every year.
This one has room to add a personal message to each card.
Thanks to my lovely friend Joyce Murphy.. It is now a tradition of mine to make pumpkin pasta during the lovely Fall season. And of course it goes especially well on pumpkin carving nights.
I cannot think of a year I have not carved a pumpkin. It would make me pretty sad if I did not find time to enjoy this yearly activity. It came close this year but two days before Halloween Charles planned an evening to make sure we carved. So we bought the supplies, found perfect little pumpkins and began prepping. It was a much needed mellow night in (yes, sweatpants and all) enjoying the festivities.
Oh, In case you want to enjoy this tradition, here is the recipe.
At the Drake house (that's our house's name) we like to go all out for fun Holidays. Fall and Christmas get the most attention. Sometimes Spring too. We finally picked a date that worked for all 3 residents and started planning all the pumpkin and apple things we could enjoy.. and share with others.
It was a fun night of friends, pie, cookies, dips, fire pit, festive drinks and celebration. Thanks to all who came and shared in the joy.
.. But technically it is the Season of Fall.
I LOVE Fall. Although I really have yet to experience a "real" Fall, it's one of my favorite times. It get's a little cooler (Sometimes), clothing is more fun and most importantly.. festivities begin.
While it was a hot weekend, Charles and I squeezed in a quick trip to Oak Glen. It was way too warm and crowded but we made the best of apple tasting, exploring and a yummy meal. Too bad it isn't cooler for Apple Season.
I am grateful for little get-a-ways. Hume has been a great place for those. Even though it's a 5 hour drive it's beautiful and well worth it. Plus, people have been so great in creating and allowing space for me to stay and feel at home. And then I get to enjoy a trip to the mountains, the fresh air, exploring and visiting people.
This past weekend Jocey and Nathan became Mr and Mrs. The ceremony had the least decor I have ever seen but it was absolutely beautiful. The weather cleared up just in time and everything was great. There were such personal touches in the details. Plus a little road trip, lack of sleep and mountain adventure with Charles. Well worth the tiredness that followed.
The view:
Kyle & Joy!
And then... we began the journey home later than intended. But just as we hit the road the storm finally moved in. We stopped, grabbed a blanket and sat on the perfect rock to overlook the valley and watched as the storm got closer. Thunder became constant and eventually very intense. The breeze increased and the temperature dropped. Ok, a lot of details but in all of these changes I was absolutely ecstatic. I love storms and this was beautiful!