Saturday, January 4, 2025

Reflections of a very special season

Sweet, special, Drake Ave. 

I jotted these thoughts down on our last night at this home. Now I've edited them a bit and finally decided it was time to actually post them.

This home and neighborhood has held so many special memories. 

We moved in while I was 6 months pregnant and began getting ready for our first baby to arrive. I’d sleep and Charles would stay up building our table or the crib.  After living in 350 square feet for 4 years this was a whole new experience and setting up our home was so special. Also, backstory, I lived in a different house on Drake when Charles and I met and began dating. I always loved this special street and moving back onto it was a gift. 

I distinctly remember walking in the door for the first time with our brand new baby. Life was entirely new.

And then coming home as a family of four.  

This home has been full of milestones, memories, moments and so much life. 

7 years (almost to the day) of our family evolving, growing, stretching and learning to love in new ways. 

We experienced such rich community in this neighborhood. How did we get the best people all around us? Friendship  transformed the lonely days of motherhood (and still do). I found people who became my lifeline: foods and goods when someone was sick showed up, words of wisdom and kindness when parenting was defeating and joys in companionship were a regular asset of life. Multiple neighbors came together the moment they were needed when my mom was sick, passed and we had her memorial to care for us. My oldest kiddo was invited into their homes so I could nap to go to prenatal appointments. These people of proximity turned friends helped us survive the isolation days of covid. "Quarantine" became such a special time of front yard happy hour hangs, daily chats, holidays shared and more. 

Life has a lot of hard and I especially without local family we really needed to people close to us in many ways. The way kids came into our home or mine into other homes during times of need still makes me teary. From both of our kids taking ambulance rides and having hospital stays, neighbors who took their own ambulance ride and needed their kiddos watched, supporting a neighbor through cancer, and many other heavy times we were able to take care of each others needs. I could go on and on.  

Whether it was times of deep exhaustion in the baby years, long standing sickness, celebrating birthdays and anniversaries, many "do you have a spare lemon/cup of sugar/nebulizer" moments or long afternoons of boredom solved by sidewalk time together - these dear people kept me afloat. 

This was such a special place for us to host. We did what we could with our former tiny home but this space that allowed us to host large neighborhood pancake breakfasts and meals together, ministry events, birthday parties and more is something I will always cherish. The first thing Charles built for our home was our first dining room table and the 8+ seats that could fit around that were gladly filled many times. 

This home was the place we began our school journey with our oldest. I never imaged we'd do any sort of homeschool but sure enough at was our path and I am so grateful for our learning rhythms shared together in that space. 

I wish I could estimate how many walks we took to our park just one block over. Some days we ended up twice (probably even three times). Countless bike rides and dog walks and let's take a lap around the block cause someone is grumpy walks. Rainy puddle jumping. We took many family walks downtown to our favorite spots for dinner or coffee, often running into people we love. Greeting neighbors and chats as they came home was daily treat. Rainier spent many days over the years “helping” pull weeds or mow our neighbors lawn (oh the patience and love from our sweet neighbors). Hours and hours were spent in our front yard swings, eating on the porch and covering our sidewalk in chalk. Many many times we'd head outside for "a few" minutes to get the wiggles out before bed only to run into one neighbor, and then another, and then another and realize we were long past our planned bedtime but enjoying the gift of great people around us. 

How did we get so richly blessed by the people that surround us? The ones that make this home so hard to leave? Stand in grandparents. Babysitters. Deep friendship. Grace poured out. Time sacrificed. Celebrations shared. Grief empathized. 

I had to write these thoughts out before moving; before closing out this chapter on Drake. 

I'll forever be grateful.

For the waves from all the neighbors as we played out front.

The celebration from a neighbor when Rainier got on his first bike.

The hug and diffusion offered when a toddler was melting down. 

Tears of all kinds shared.

Neighborhood watch check ins. 

ALL of the help to get our place packed, cleaned and moved. 

All the presence that has continued. 

Flash forward to now. It's the end of 2024. Multiple Drake neighbors showed up to celebrate Christmas was our family. Exchanges have happened continually of things needed back and forth (including tonight at 10pm). Im so thankful were still close "enough" but even tonight Charles and I sat on our couch grieving the absence of life on Drake this Christmas season and all the ways we miss it and our dear people in the daily life. 

Our sweet last dinner in our driveway:

Rainier sandwiched between two of his most favorite people. 

Goodbye Drake. You'll forever be super special.

Saturday, April 10, 2021

Juniper's birth story

She's here! We have a daughter. 
We both felt like God had a daughter for our family but it was still a special surprise to meet HER. 

So, her arrival story...
I was getting impatient. Not only because I wanted to meet our baby, and not be pregnant anymore.. but also because I really didn’t want to be induced. I wanted this baby’s entrance to the world to be natural and on its own time. 
With rainier my water broke at my 40 week dr visit. The hospital said that happened a lot with my dr specifically. This caused unnecessary chaos and pressure from the hospital and I wanted to avoid all of that. 
So, enter “trying all the things” but also trying to trust snd not stress. 
Eating dates, drinking tea, walking, curb walking, chiropractor, acupuncture, doula chats and so on. 

On Saturday 3/13 we headed to the park so Rainier could play and I could walk. My doula called and we talked about my discouragement and trusting what my body was doing. I really felt confident our baby would come right on time but that feeling would waver. 
In the afternoon I took another walk. I had a few signs labor might by near but I  didn’t want to get ahead of myself. We found a gift certificate for a local favorite restaurant (Rutabegorz) so we decided a last dinner out before baby would be nice. It would be the last indeed. At dinner I started to have some pains and I wondered if they could be contractions. By the time we got home we realized they were and they were about 6 minutes apart. We got our toddler in the bath and then a quick shower for me and while there my water broke. Now I knew labor indeed was happening but I was a bit in shock. 

It was my night to put the kiddo to sleep so I laid there with him having our night chats while realizing this was our last night as a family of three. Contractions were increasing in strength as I laid there. I texted my doula that it was time for her to come. Rainier and I snuggled and prayed as he drifted off to sleep. The timing of all of this was such a blessing. I had a lot of anxiety about leaving him for birth and being able to lay with him while he fell asleep was just what I needed. 
I snuck away and we began to gather things and called our team to come be with Rainier. 
Straight to the birth ball I went. My doula arrived to support me and began counter pressure. Our babysitters arrived and we all chatted and went over plans. As a bit of time passed contractions were more and more painful and getting closer together. After about an hour we decided it was time to head to the hospital. 

What an interesting drive. It’s dark. And quiet. And we’re driving to the hospital with all of the “wow this is happening.. we’re about to do this, again” thoughts. 
Charles pulled up to the endurance and was able to wheel me up. He then had to return to the parking structure to wait for word I was being admitted and he could come up (lovely Covid rules). Going through admittance and triage while having painful contractions was not fun. Charles did not have service in the lot and thankfully he pushed to be allowed up and they allowed him to come up right away. Things were progressing quickly. 
My widwife happened to be on duty that night. It was such a blessing to have the person I had built a relationship with be there for this birth. After checking on baby’s heart rate and answering all the questions it was time to head to a labor and delivery room. I had 3 contractions on the way that forced me to stop and focus through the pain. 
Once in our room I wanted to stay on the birth ball. Charles was doing counter pressure on my back and hips which brought some relief. They checked on Baby's heartbeat and wanted to have a monitor on us but we couldn’t keep it in position. They came back to try and find another option but while they were trying they decided things are moving fast and there wasn’t really time or a need. At some point they checked my dilation and told me I was a six. I was discouraged because the pain was so intense that I really just wanted to be done. This phase lasted for hours with Rainier. 

After that, each contraction was more intense than the previous. And with each contraction I straightened my upper body more as I felt our baby moving down further each time. It was clear that things were escalating and progress was being made. Pretty soon my midwife decided it was time to suit up and we would be ready for a baby soon. Charles was getting nervous I was going to push a baby out right on top of the ball.  They got me on the bed and the last place I wanted to be was laying on my back. I had a few contraction on all fours and when it was time to get into a push position I didn’t feel like I had to leverage on all fours. I rotated to a sitting up position and before I knew it they told me I indeed could push. I was so relieved. I knew I was close but this was such good news. I’m so thankful for how smooth and fast pushing was. After the first push they told me to reach down and feel my baby's head. We were close! Another push and her head and arm were out. One more and she was on my chest. This is the best feeling of power, relief and gratitude. It was over. I could hear my sweet baby cry and we did it. We were all waiting for Charles to announce what our baby was. Time went by with silence. My midwife whispered, "It's a girl" which Charles repeated the exciting news. While we felt we were having a girl he was a bit in shock. All these moments were so tender and sweet. Especially after such a fast and intense experience. Everything slows down. You're taking it all in and there is new life. And you get to lie back and soak up the best snuggle ever. 

Sweet Juniper Lisa was born March 14th at 12:38a at 8 pounds 6 ounces and 20.5 inches. 

I was 40 weeks 6 days and so thankful she decided to come in her own perfect timing. 

I am so glad birth is over but I also wish I could relive those final moments again and again. The accomplishment felt. The beauty of a new life. The quiet moments soaking her up. The first time her brother met her and I got to hug him again. The way my husband looks at her. His words of encouragement to me. I am deeply grateful. Thank you Jesus for this beautiful addition to our family. 

We love you, sweet baby girl.

Sidenote: I am still really sad we could have Taylor photograph her birth (like she did Rainier's). Charles captured beautiful moments but he wasn't able to be in them, too. If you can, hire a photographer!

Here are some of our special moments. 

ignore the fact that my pink mask makes me look like I have a weird chin

Monday, March 30, 2020

Grief & the mom load during social distancing.

I've got a whole lot of feelings swirling around right now which made me think, "it's been a while since I've written and shared." I came here to write and realized its been a WHOLE YEAR since I    had blogged. That made me sad, too. Now I have even more fuel to be here.

March 2020. You've been quite the month.
Oh wait, so were January and February and they don't seem to be letting up anytime soon.

I realize I've had a unique year but then again as this unfolds it's not so unique. But whatever you're scenario is, maybe you relate. Or maybe someone around you does. Or not, that's ok too.

I've been thinking about the layers that exist in this season for me.
Foe one, mom life has already been a big step toward isolation. In my pre mom days I went to a job where I got to be very social and interact with people both familiar and not. I served in a ministry in which I got to connect deeply on a regular level with young adults I am passionate about. I had freedom in my social life and plenty of space for date nights and random outings with my spouse. Throw a kid in the mix and all that kind of went out the window. I spent long days at home getting to know my baby and our new rhythm. I stopped seeing coworker and friends regularly. Dates were a rare occurrence. Ministry shifted significantly. I am very grateful for the changes our son has brought but they have been big changes none the less. And for an extrovert they have been hard changes.

Speed up to toddler mom life - we've made the best neighbor friends. We see neighbors regularly and being able to step back a bit while our kiddos play has been a mom right of passage and has lifted the load a bit. We have our routine with regular outings to enjoy, friends to see and adventures to have. We've (I've) worked hard for this. This community gives me life and Rainier loves his "fwends" too.

These friends got us through the worst months. The end of 2019 was hard and we were ready for 2020 but when my mom got sick on December 31st 2020 welcomed us with a quick turn downhill. Friends got us through the awful 11 days leading to her passing. Dropping everything to watch Rainier, making meals, bringing coffee, amazon delivering a new toy, simply being alongside us... It was awful but out people helped carry us.

Fast forward to March and that's been stripped away. Sure, there's zoom, FaceTime, texting, Marco Polo etc. but mom life leaves little room for those and none of those bring community for my son. This means my load is heavy. He doesn't fully understand the world around us (thankfully) but he also doesn't understand why our routine went out the window and he can't have the regular social rhythms that we love. He doesn't understand why now we can't stop by when we see a neighbor or use the playground at the nearby park. Sure, there could be a lot harder things to go through than solely entertaining a toddler but doing that on top of deep grief, a huge pile of estate logistics and exhaustion is HARD WORK. Creating space for emotions while managing those of a toddler is hard work. Processing the world around me and the uncertainty of all of this while carrying the motherhood load and my own pain is hard work.

I am not sure if you relate to this at all. I do think there are some great blessings being ushered in in this time but I in this moment I am here to say THIS IS HARD. And if you're feeling that, You are not alone. Sure, a bit isolated but I hope you breath a sigh of "me too" if this hits you a bit.

So many post and articles share the three points to ______ (fill in the blank; cope with anxiety, navigate grief during social isolation, etc.). And the positivity rolling around the internet is such a gift. But this post doesn't include those points. I see a post like that coming but this one is just to say, "Yup, this ish is hard my friends" but we're in it together (in spirit).

My sweet husband comforting our very emotional toddler who wanted to splash in this little creek we found but it was too cold. I feel you, kid. Lots of wanting what we can't have right now.

Friday, March 15, 2019

Happy birthday, little one.

As they say, "How in the world is my baby one?".

It's just another day yet he is ONE. It is surreal and significant and yet time just keeps going.

I so deeply want to sit here and process; to write eloquently about my experience and reflect on this past year but where do I even start?

We have shared 365 days together. It has been a big year.
One whole year of: learning, worrying, adapting, not sleeping, joy, love, growth, bonding and so much more.

They also say, "Just as you figure them out, they change." This feels 1000% true. Just when I had adapted and just when we got into a groove, BAM... Sleep regression, teething, cold, cold, dropping a nap, leap, ear infection, regression, feeding real meals, new breastfeeding rhythm, tantrums, learning to be mobile and getting hurt.. the list goes on.

There are so many directions I  could go... What I have learned about myself in becoming a mother, what I have learned about nurturing a tiny human, how many conflicting "truths" and options there are to sort through on how to raise a child, how my marriage has grown and deepened, how community has changed, what owning a business as a mom looks like, how God has shown up and molded me AND SO ON. Maybe there will be more posts on more topics but for now, how we've grown.

My how we've grown.
You were 7 pounds 4 ounces and 20 inches of love (read our birth story here). As they say, I    absolutely cannot believe you were ever that tiny. What a different one year and 15 pounds makes.
Before seeing or holding you your Papa proclaimed with such joy and honor that you were a boy, our son!
You arrived and we bonded right away. What a miracle that within moments of leaving the womb you knew just how to eat.
Everything was new for all three of us. Everything.
Days were so long and yet suddenly you were one month, six months and now a year old.
Papa took such good care of me so I could spend so much time feeding and snuggling you. You napped on our chests and fit so perfectly. That first month was full of rain, cozy gloom and slowness. Days were simple and we did all we could to soak up this fleeting and special season with you. Some of it is such a blur and some of it is still so real. I am so thankful for the six weeks we were simply together before Papa went back to work. I  saw new sides of him that evolved as he settled into his new role as father that deepened my love for him in new ways.

I struggled a lot with worry. What a significant blessing I have been entrusted with. And it turns out the internet is a dark whole of conflicting chaos and fears mixed with community, encouragement and wisdom. Thanks to your Papa and wise friends I found balance, empathy and support. This is a continual process. I now know as a parent I am in for a lifetime of things to worry about but God has shown up with such gentle reminders that I can lean in and trust His plan for you and for us. This will be a continual lesson, too.

I am so thankful for our breastfeeding journey. What a journey of commitment, physical depletion, joy, bonding and love. For so long it seemed like all we would do. Now it's a sweet, short connection in our day. It once was something I would fret over - the schedule, the amount you were eating, being away from you for too long.. but now it is a free flowing rhythm we've settled into so well (minus the current biting). Bottles, the pump and all it's pieces are now packed away. We used the last bit of frozen milk just before your birthday. I can't believe these elements are now in the past.

I  am so thankful for the people who have come alongside us. I've considered myself pretty good at tackling new things and figuring out how to do them well. You are not a thing and I certainly have not figured this all out. But that has brought me such rich support from so many. Lots of messages shared, questions asked, encouragement given and received, empathy expressed and connections deepened as I  journey further into motherhood. This would not be possible alone.

I  had no idea how much you would change in one year. I had no idea you would go from such a tiny, completely dependent newborn to such a strong, fun, independent little man. Of course, you still need me and want to be near me at most times but you venture off to explore, play independently and show us your personality. You blow me away daily.

I  had no idea how much I would change in one year. I had no idea how becoming a mother would stretch me. I had no idea I could be so exhausted, so in love, so unsure of myself and also so certain I    am who I  need to be for who you are. I  didn't know how much I  didn't know. And I still don't.

We both have so much to learn.
What I do know is I will do my absolute best to love you to the fullest of my capacity. To stretch, grow, adapt and learn as we enter each part of this journey. I will fail. I will mess up. I will disappoint us both. But I sure hope we encounter these moments with grace, deep breaths and that same love. I    will pray, pray, pray. For you, for your future, for the way we raise you, for the world around you and the impact you will have (and it will have on you) and so much more. These are declarations that will be tested and I won't always hold to like I wish I could. But I hope you know above everything else how incredibly loved you are.

There is a whole lot of harsh in this world but there is a whole lot more amazing. May our home always be a warm, nurturing and loving place to land. A place that points to a deeper love continually.

As I finally finish this you are closer to 13 months than 12.
You are so close to walking.
You are dancing.
You are strong in your opinions and feelings.
Your snuggles are the best.
There is nothing like your laugh.
You love dirt, mud and rocks and only want to be outside.
You are the cutest baby ever (said every parent ever).

We are so thankful for you!
You have changed us forever.
We love YOU!
Here's to year TWO.

These monthly moments bring all the feels.

Thursday, January 31, 2019

December Family Sessions

I decided it was time to share more of these images from December's Mini Family Session Day. I just love all these people and the moments that I got to capture with them.

First up - The Johnson Family.
Neighbors turned friends and now in front of my camera.

Next up - The Salcido-Perez Family.
Their sweet little foster babe arrived just in time for their session!

And finally, Rebecca & Michael and their fun little crew!

Thursday, January 10, 2019

Show up messy.

Last night my kitchen was pretty clean and tidy (much thanks to my husband and his nightly magic).
By 10:30am today it's not exactly looking so hot. Seriously. This is a glimpse. Our rental grout is not so cute, our cabinets are poorly painted, my dishes are a mess and I've got food in progress for a meal.

This morning's story time at the library led to some hang with a friend who is also now a mama of a 10 month old boy. We haven't seen each other in a long time and don't even know each other that well but we ran into each other and I invited her to come over to hang.

I knew my kitchen (and most of my home) were less than ready for a new visitor but I didn't really think twice. I love people and connecting and in this season that isn't always easy. So while I could have said, "Come over some time" so that I could prepare, I chose to say "Would you like to come over now?" and invite her into the reality. After all both of our babies were napped and fed so now was the time!

Honestly when she left I noticed things that needed attention and wondered if she noticed them too - the coffee grounds on the floor, the diapers that need taken to the trash, the post weekend trip unpacking explosions. She may have. But I think she gets it. We connected over the challenges and rhythms mom life has held for us in the past 10 months and I think we share some of the same struggles to manage it all. But even if she was nailing the tidy game I am not and that's ok. Sometimes my day doesn't allow it. Sometimes I choose to rest or connect with a friend or shower. But most of the time I am going to choose to invite people in and that includes the real. That's how we want our home to be. That's how we want to be as people. Open, welcoming, real. That is how our conversations were today and both of us left refreshed and grateful.

I don't say this to toot my horn at all. But maybe as some encouragement to show up where you are. Show up messy. Show up in progress. Connect with that friend even if you aren't in the best place emotionally. Invite people into your space even if it looks more like hoarders than fixer upper. Show up with your spouse even if wounds leave you guarded. Pitch that business idea to your boss or friend even if the details are up in the air.

I  read a quote on Instagram this week, "Their grass isn't greener, they are just using a filter."
It's easy to assume their kitchen is spotless, their marriage is without conflict, they are confident in their journey, they are patient with their kids... But we have to remember we never see the whole story. Don't let how their lives appear prevent you from living fully in the reality of yours. We all have our in progress areas and community thrives when authenticity matters more than perfection.

Friday, November 9, 2018

Moments into Memories - Client Print Guide

The hard part (hopefully the fun part) is over! Your session is complete.
But we're not done.

Time passes quickly and moments are fleeting. Digital is awesome but there are so many great ways to preserve your moments.

In our home we have fun collage prints, wood art, framed prints and photo books. But there are endless options to fit your style, home, creativity and more.
I am here to help choose and create art with you.

MEMORIES INTO ART || I would be glad to meet with you or plan a phone call to chat about your desires. Coffee, anyone? A great way to get started is to take a look at this inspiration guide. Maybe this gets the juices flowing. Or maybe you already know what you're longing for... Let's make it happen!

HOLIDAY CARDS || Can you believe it is that time of year? Take a look and choose you're favorite Christmas/Holiday card. Ordering is quick and easy and I take care of it all for you!