Today I lettered this quote:
“Spectacular achievement is always preceded by unspectacular preparation”.

Floral Art by
P+H Chalk.
This feels so so true but so unpretty. The unspectacular isn’t really what we talk about a lot. I see friends and they ask, “So, have you had lots of photo shoots lately?” or “What’s been going on?” but you know when they ask they aren’t looking to hear, “It’s great. I’ve been googling SEO, watching webinars on email lists and I booked 1 session”.
Nothing spectacular here folks. Just me, trying daily to work towards what matters to me. Just over here working on pricing that makes sense to me and my values and my clients. Just making myself doing things I don’t love doing. Just researching products. And some sessions, editing and instagram posting, too.
That quote reminded me how much the unspectacular is needed, how foundational it is. I am reminded about the time these things take. I am reminded that growing a business, like most things, isn’t just (or even mainly) the pretty moments that make our highlight reel. It’s funny how much I need reminding.
Maybe you need some reminding too.
… If you’re pursuing something and it has challenges, takes time and isn’t all pretty.
Maybe you’re building a business.
Maybe you’re starting/growing a family.
Maybe you’re struggling through school.
Maybe you’re working at a less than thrilling job.
Maybe you’re in a weird season that just feels like “nothing new” is happening..
Maybe you’re living life, and maybe you’re realizing that the simple truth of that is that its not all pretty. Despite social media, despite what peers have going on and despite what feels ideal, life is filled with a lot of normal. Less highs and more regulars.
Hey, lets be thankful for the regular moments. That’s where most of life is lived and that stuff is good.
ps. I am trying to write more but often have no idea what to write. Any ideas? Life, marriage, business, thriving, etc. Send 'em my way!