Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Welcome to the Process

Many of you know I am in a season of transition. I've worked full time since I was 19 so this middle phase is a little challenging for me (or a lot challenging). I've got time to explore creativity I've pushed aside, connect with people I've longed to engage with, room to say yes where desired, take naps and more. Since I've kinda just kept going with what's been given to me most of my adult life, figuring out what to say yes to and when is tough.

So, all that to say I have been doing a lot of processing and I have a lot of thoughts swirling around in my mind.
Some days are awesome and some are just weird and hard.

But yesterday, after a great cup of coffee at the most lovely shop in Long Beach (Rose Park Roasters), Charles and I had some great conversation. He's so patient and gentle with me while I am a hot mess (not in a good way) and I am so grateful for him. This while all while sitting against this lovely wall that stated, "Welcome to the process". And it kept tugging at me. Welcome. Am I welcoming this process? Am I allowing this funky transition to be funky? Or am I fighting it and forcing something else? I am in process. This is a season of transition with room for exploring and I want to embrace it.

So, maybe you are like, "Hmm, what are you talking about?". Feel free to ignore this process/crazy. If you are in process or are intrigued because you will be at some point.. read on.

Ok, what am I doing to embrace the process?
  1. I am still figuring that out.
  2. I am having conversation about this. I could keep it all in my head and go crazy but instead I am inviting others in who I trust to hear me, give feedback and be support.
  3. I am exploring. What have I ignored in the last few years because of the road I was on? What have I lost sight of that I enjoy? What have I wanted to explore that I haven't? (examples: my desire to be creative, deep connection with people, rest, updating my boring style, blogging)
  4. Reading/Learning. I enjoy learning from others, paying attention to my journey, reading books and knowing that I have stuff to work on and that's ok.
I enjoy sharing my journey and while I feel a little but like, "Why am I sharing this random stuff?" I also know that no one likes to struggle alone so if my journey helps, great. 

If you have any thoughts on this topic / being in process / figuring out the middle, please share!

If you have any thoughts on something you'd like to read about life transition or want to chat more, please send me an email.

Friday, April 10, 2015

Photos For Kenya - A Portrait Fundraiser

Hi Friends! Thanks for taking a minute to read about what we're doing.

Taylor and I (and about 95 others) are headed to Kenya this July. Taylor and I will be returning to lead the 2nd annual portrait project in the Slums of the Mathare Valley in Nairobi, Kenya. Here is a little look at the project last year (and you can read more here). We're still stoked on the portraits we were able to provide for 1,500 families - not only portraits but a chance to feel valued and hear about how loved they are by God, too. People walked from long distances and waited in long lines for this opportunity. It was amazing to see how something we so take for granted was such a rich blessing to so many.

So, what is happening on April 25th? For those of you interested, here's the details of how you can support us in this AND get beautiful profesional portraits...

  • When: April 25th, 2015 | 9a-2p (first come, first serve)
  • Where: Hillcrest Park | 1155 N. Lemon St. Fullerton (parking lot off of Lemon and Valley View)
  • Why: All proceeds go to help send Phylicia & Taylor to Kenya (travel, photo supplies, etc) to lead a project to provide portraits throughout the Mathare Valley Slums. And you get affordable/quality/inexpensive portraits.
  • Who: Anyone who wants a handful of professional images.
  • What you get: For a minimum donation of $25 you get a 5 minute photo session (approx. 10 images). You will be able to download full resolution images for printing, social media, gifts, etc.

If you have any questions, please feel free to email us via the contact form.

If you'd like to donate anything (coffee, donuts, etc.) to make the day more fun, please let us know!

We're not only excited to (hopefully) raise a good portion of our trip expenses but to meet fun new friends and share our love for photography with you!

Please share this with anyone you link might be interested.. It's a great time for: seniors, families, couples, babies, best friends, business professionals.. anyone who wants a great photo!

Facebook Event | Instagram | Taylor's fundraising | Phylicia's fundraising |

To see our photography work: phylicianicole | Tayjoyphoto