Here it comes.. a post on what I am thankful for. Typical of this time of year? Yes. But I am glad to be reminded or the many reasons I have to be thankful.
Let's just list a few.
1. Growth - We look fun, right? Well, I think we are but this road trip to Oregon last winter was a tough one. It was filled with last of hard conversations in the midst of some hard things Charles and I were trying to work through. It really was a draining and challenging trip but it brought the beginning of much growth. Growth in our situation, growth in our relationship, growth personally. In this situation and many others I am thankful for challenging times that draw me close to God and teach me something new as I go.

2. Community - This goes with number 1. If it weren't for my community of family and friends, growth wouldn't be possible. There are so many people I lean into for support, wisdom, acceptance and counsel. I am thankful for each of you. Thanks for listening, offering grace and loving me well. I am blessed by many.

3. Coffee - We cannot overlook coffee! I am thankful for it's taste, for conversations over it, exploring new coffee shops and more. I love that Green Bliss opened down the street from me. The whole staff is great, the coffee is excellent and the place itself is so charming. Finally good coffee in Fullerton.

4. Ministry - I am thankful for the ways God has called me and used me. For a church home in which I get to serve alongside so many great people. I am thankful to witness life change and healing, to learn with and from so many on our team, and to be a part of a vision for the lost that impresses me. I am thankful for the journey I am on with My Father and Creator and the life He has invited me into.

5. New beginnings - I am thankful to share in new pieces of life with so many valuable people.. for the many births within family and friends, witnessing in marriage commitments, or launching into a new journey. This year I became an official aunt, stood alongside Jordynn as a bridesmaid, and shared in so many other moments. I am blessed to share in and grow through what life brings for those around me. I am thankful I get to share in a piece of these significant lives and moments.

6. Dreams & passions - I am grateful for the ways God has created me and the things he has called me to do. For the way life evolves as He shapes my heart and leads me into new things that make my heart beat. I am thankful for the things that stir anger in me, the things that He softens my heart to, the simple things that can make my day and the dreams He gives me for the road ahead.

7. Weather & pretty places - I love a pretty sky, a rainy day, a storm and the beauty of creation. I am thankful to see and enjoy so many places that make me stop in awe. I don't always love sunny and 75 S.California weather but I am thankful for the pretty places within reach.

8. People who are far but remain close - I am thankful for the people in my life who are spread out but don't feel like it. Yes, I'd love to see them more but I am thankful for the ability to communicate, travel and pick up like time has barely passed.

9. Traditions - I am thankful for traditions, festivities, holidays. I love partaking in the festive elements that come along with Holidays and seasons. Ya know, scented candles, decorating, holiday themed food, parties, quality time with those you love and more.

10. Charles - I am thankful for the man that is my Fiance and will soon be my husband (I am still taking that in). I am so grateful for his love, his commitment to me and many, his desire to be a Godly man and the adventure we are on. I am thankful that he has invited me into a journey alongside him. I am not sure what this journey holds for us but I am so eager to begin life adventure and ministry together.

This was a quick list and there are so many more things I have to be thankful for. And so many people. Thank YOU to the many who I get to share life with. Big or small, there are so many things that I am continually blessed by. And for that I am thankful.