Thursday, March 15, 2012

Winter is fleeting.

I am not sure winter really existed this year. You've probably heard me complain about this. And you would probably say, "Phylicia, you live in So Cal, it's always sunny and warm." But... I don't agree. I think it's been extra sunny, warm and dry this year. You wait, it'll be a wet spring (I say this really wishing but doubting).

But on the positive side, I guess I can just soak up all of the moments of winter we've had. I've only made 2 trips to the mountains this winter. Both were decisions based on the fact it was actually going to snow. I am grateful for both trips to the cold even though during one I took a fall, hurt my ankle and gained a puffy face and got stuck in the worst bad mountain driver traffic. It was still time spent in the snow. Ok, you know I love it.







Ps. I am grateful for someone who loves the adventure of snow and mountains as much.. actually more. Thanks Charles!
pss. This is the beginning of my once again effort to blog more.
So, if you enjoy photos of life, random words and things that stand out to me.. feel free to read on.

1 comment:

jessica said...

The weather in CA has been insane this year! Up north too! But rain is on the way for this weekend- it's been raining cats and dogs in Sac all week!!!
