"Grace is opposed to what is owed." Romans 4:4.
Ian just gave me The Ragamuffin Gospel as another one of the books I need to read. I am hoping to have more time to read and get through a whole book.
Grace is something that is skewed in my view so I could use a refresher in what it means in my life and how to live it out. In honestly, I am good at doing. Helping, taking on a task, being committed, 'serving'. But I am not good at just being. I feel the need to earn people's affection and show the 'best' part of me and I guess I often think that comes out in things I can 'do' for others. This causes me to seek affirmation in an unhealthy way and to have unrealistic expectations of others based on what I expect of myself. Then I am reminded of what God expects and desires and it is much different than what I've been operating in. I don't have to present myself as better to Him. I don't need to sway His view. I am a bundle of paradoxes. It all depends on the day. But no matter what state I am in He is love, He is grace and He desires to do life with me. I mean, He gave His so I could go through all this and learn what it means to accept His grace over and over.
What is Grace right now in your life?

All I know is each day the sun sets and I awake to a new day to be free, alive and me.. who ever that is.. with Him.