I've met a lot of significant people in the past few years. I have really come to value so many people who have homes from an hour away to a few states away. I feel privileged to have relationships with these people. I never know where God is going to bring people into my life from but it is a welcomed adventure.
Here are a few of them:
Melody and Kaleb - Kaleb; former house mate. Melody; his wife. Both have great hearts and bring a lot of joy with 'em. Kaleb was such an important part of my life in Vegas and his other half is equally awesome!

Sam and Rachel - Gosh. Many dinners at the Sanchez home, taking up residence on their floor, house sitting, deep friendships and support.

Ash - Valuable friendship thanks to a random run in of mutual friends. A woman who is so genuine and adventurous in all she does!

This doesn't sum up how great these people are but if you don't know them, trust me.. they are pretty swell.