When I lived in Vegas and was doing ministry our adventures were often posted on facebook or on this blog. It was encouraging to see how many 'random' people would write in response to what we we're doing. People I haven't talked to in years, people I barely know and people close to me would write things of encouragement or ways they were affected by the stories. It was a blessing to me to see how others we're impacted by the words written.
Erica has already received one of these cool moments. A random person saw a note Erica wrote on facebook via a mutual friends profile and sent Erica a message..
"hi erica,
i saw your note on jordan's profile. the title caught my eye.
I just want you to know what a wonderful ministry that you are starting.
i say this coming from an abusive marriage and where feeling loved is a big struggle. through counseling though i have found my worth in God and that this love that other women can feel and the self worth and all that is so possible.
i will keep you and your team in my prayers.
thanx again for sharing."
You never know how or who you will affect. Often times we don't ever know the impact we make as we journey but moments like this are great reminders that God is at work beyond what we know.
And because while driving this was also a reminder of God at work:

How have you been reminded lately?