I've been pondering True Community. It has come up in many different contexts and conversations lately - Goals, a lack of, an abundance, etc.
I hear some cities are horrible for it, "I've lived here for years and haven't made a friend." Or "I have so many great friends that it can be hard to stay connected with all of them." And so on.
I don't know what it looks like for you, but to me community is a complex thing. Everyone has different expectations, desires and needs. Sometimes I feel overwhelmed with how blessed I am by people in my life. Sometimes I feel totally empty no matter how many people I am around or how great the people in my life are. This can change quickly. So I ask myself, "When will I be consistently satisfied with the community taking place in my life?" I definitely do not have it all figured out but I do know God calls us to be dependent upon Him and one another. Him first, others second. He calls me to shift my focus to those around me; no matter how different or alike, how easy (or hard) they may be to love or if I will get anything in return.
Honestly, that is my goal. I love people (or I desire to). I thrive off of social interaction, busy rooms and real conversations. But in those times I find myself unsatisfied I find the answer of why in the fact that I've got it out for order. Being around people, helping people, phone conversations and facebook interactions will not do the trick. I have to first be seeking God in my life in order to experience community or love those around me. When I am not engaged in my relationship with God my other interactions are based on routine and selfish motives, not of genuine desire or overflowing love. This may sound basic and I hope it is for you, but I need reminding.
So rambling aside.. I am finding some time to myself. Time for reading, listening, writing and processing; giving myself over to my creator.
In my place:

Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love.
Ephesians 4:2