Hung out on tuesday
Prepared for the porn show on Wednesday
Went to the porn show thursday-sunday.
Here's what I wrote for the website recap: (you can read other stories here)
"The Porn show, as expected, is an overwhelming place. I was not really sure what to fully expect and I was surprised by the support, curiosity and excitement from attendees and industry workers for what our booth represented. I am blessed to have been able to walk around the show and hand out shirts to the girls in the industry. This being my first show, I didn't know anyone there but immediately girls would see the shirts and be excited to see us and anxious to converse with us. The conversations that took place were ones of getting to know, relating and sharing about the love we were there to extend. I am honored to be a source of affirming their worth and that they are loved. Telling them the important things that the industry they are in denies is my hearts desire and such a privilege.
With most of the conversations I had I know I probably won't see many of those people again. Because of that it is great to continue to pray for what God is planting in their hearts through conversations and situations what will continue to take place in their life. A great aspect for us girls living here in Vegas and doing make up was making contacts with girls in the local industry. Whether we can hopefully get into one of the clubs to do make up and spend more time with them or potentially do make up for any special event; creating relationships we can follow up on is an exciting thought and prayer. Beneath it all they are just women close to my age desiring to be valued and loved just like I do. I might not understand exactly what it feels like to be in their shoes but I can understand the hurts that have taken place and their desire for love and acceptance.
I am left with images of how degrading the whole scene was but I also am able to see the hope that is found within doors that have already been opened and trusting God with what is yet to come. The faces and stories break my heart. The need for light in this dark place is real and I pray that we were and continue to be genuine extensions of God's love, mercy and hope.
*on a lighter note - wearing Rex the Rabbit and cruising the show to hand out shirts and take pictures was a fabulous (and extremely hot) experience."
But it really was a heart breaking place. Nothing was hidden and no one was ashamed. There were people from every age group, people alone, couples and groups of friends. In talking to girls and seeing how guys shamelessly took pictures zoomed in of their butts or pointed or even touched it took me over the edge. The touching was just too much. To see her pose for tons of pictures just so he could do practically whatever he wanted to her really bothered (that is an understatement) me.
Another heartbreaking story is that of a girl who broke down wanting out of the industry. She just could not go another day. She talked to people from our crew over dinner after the show on saturday night about her desire to get out and how the industry has affected her. We met her for lunch on sunday when she couldn't bring herself to go to the show. She was extremely anxious and couldn't calm down. She ended up getting a text from her manager and suddenly bolted out saying she had to go. Rachel and I broke down at the table over the stronghold she feels to remain. She is only 25 but she feels it is too late and that there is no hope for her to start over. At that point all we could do was pray over tears and sorrow. Thankfully she has made calls to Rachel and Krissee about still wanting out. Please pray for her. She lives in New York and we want to do whatever we can to assure her we will help in any way we can to get her out!
Feel free to send any question you have my way..
A few photos fro the show:
Rachel and some dood:

Thats me in Rex the Rabbit - super hot after dancing around the show and taking pics with people:

The tattoos we gave away

Rachel doing a touch up for a nearby booth worker

Rex working it:

Group shot:

wow, phyl. god is already working on you and your life in vegas, i can see that! that poor girl in NY! i will keep her in my prayers and will continue to pray for your team. it makes me so happy to hear these amazing transformational stories! someday i hope to tell mine. i love you, friend and am very proud of you!
Hey Phyl!!! I miss you so much, and I pray for you daily. Thanks for always being such a great example and always sharing God's love with everyone. Its so awesome that you have been able to touch lives all over the place! We all will miss you and can't wait till we get you back. love you! alyssa lees
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