If you haven't heard yet.. I am moving to Las Vegas, Nevada.
You might know that I have a passion for ministry with girls/women who are hurting, in need of real love and a real relationship with God. For somewhere around 4 years I've been stoked about what
xxxchurch.com has been doing to make a difference in people's lives, the Kingdom and anyone they come across. Up until recently it's been something I pray about and for, stories I read up on and something that gets me excited; but thanks so God's leading and opening and closing of doors I realized it was time to actually pursue that passion.
So I applied for an internship.
I feel stupid but I was totally nervous not knowing what would happen and where exactly God was leading me.
But I am so Thankful and excited to say that as of January 5th, 2009 I will be living in Las Vegas (where x3 recently moved) to be apart of ministry that is revolutionary yet totally where Jesus went and would be. I am not sure how everything will pan out but I am so excited to get involved, grow, be stretched, love, learn and live out my faith and passion. I feel unequipped in many ways but am trusting and listening to God with all the fears, questions, joys, anxieties.
On November 14th xxxchurch had a vision night to share with everyone who came out from all over and I was there. It was my first trip to Vegas since early high school and my first time meeting 3 of my 4 future roommates a long with other team members. Time is passing so quickly and I will be there soon and while that makes me nervous I am ready to dive in to my hearts calling. Ok, more words than I usually write - a lot going on in my head and heart!
Now Pictures:
Erica and I hit the road:

Almost there:


Our personal greeters and performers: Jonas Bros (The Gross kids):

Elvis was there:

And a Creepy Blue Man:

Alex (future roomie):

Krissee (Future Partner in Crime):

Brandon, Alex, Stephen (Roomies, We're just missing Megan)

Co pilot, photographer, friend

Leaving Las Vegas:

Thanks for reading.. Let me know if you have any questions about this ministry, my journey, etc.
Many more updates to come.