it is all coming together. Just today I mailed all of our invitations out. That helped me cross off a big item on my to do list.
Another big item has been figuring out our rehearsal dinner plans. Over the past couple of months a fabulous couple Charles and I know from Eastside have been consistently nudging us about checking out their backyard because they would love to host our dinner. Now you might be thinking that is really nice of them. But we never even mentioned anything to them about needing a place for that, etc. They just know that it's tough pulling all the pieces of a wedding together and they wanted to help.
So Tuesday night they had us over for dinner. They made a fabulous meal and just spent time connecting with us.
Let me just tell you I have been nervous about this dinner because I know they are generous and want to help but I didn't want them to feel pressured or inconvenienced or overwhelmed. I know I have a hard time with feeling like people are burdened even when they offer to do things but still.. Anyway, they were so caring and humble and wanted to plan all the food, drinks, dessert and details of the evening. They wanted no help from us and for us to simply show up, enjoy and stay as long as we want. And cue the tears. Charles was telling them how much this really meant to us while I just started to cry. It's not just that they want to host our dinner and how much of a help that is.. It is their genuine desire to give to others and pass on their blessings. It's their desire to care about and support us. It is their desire to pass on marriage advice and build into us. It's really hard for me to accept something like this but I know their heart and how genuine this offer is. Charles reminded me we have to let people serve us. We love to do that for others and we cannot rob the ability for others to do that for us. Easier said than done, but true. Beyond this situation I am so humbled and encouraged by their desire to give back to the church, to community, and in any way they can. They consistently state how blessed they have been and they know they just get to pass it on. I appreciate the way they want nothing in return other than for us to pass on the favor for others. I've got a lot to learn from people like them. I am grateful for their love, their example and for their hearts.
I've said it before but I really am grateful for the many people invested in us, in this process and in our big day. Words just don't cut it.