Last week marked the official beginning of a new journey. I am on a new journey with two other amazing women; Meg and Erica. God really has worked in amazing ways to lead each of our lives to be in relationship with each other and our hearts to begin a new journey in ministry and life.
For many different and similar reasons we have a heart for women and a brokenness that so often exist and we can all relate to. We have a desire to be practical love in places that the need is often overlooked or thought of as undeserved. God has called us to love with no bounds. Jesus came for the sick, broken, stuck in sin and alone. We are His hands and feet here.
So after meetings, praying, brainstorming and dreaming.. it's time to give these ideas ground. Last week we went out for the first time to a handful of local strip clubs. We went out with baskets filled with Vitamin Water, lotion, Tylenol, chapstick, bobby pins and pumpkin chocolate chip cookies as well as a Happy Thanksgiving note from us. We really had no idea how we would be received but we were ready to allow God to lead the way, give us the words and open the doors.
God has so much in store than we can imagine or prepare for. In one of the clubs we were welcomed back and the girls loved the basket, were eager to converse, welcomed us again and even gave hugs. We figured we would have the most opposition at this club and yet all the management, bouncers and staff welcomed us as well. We left overjoyed with the great people we met and favor we had throughout the night.
God is already working out great things for future visits, planning, support and more. I really feel blessed to be able to embark on this journey. I am challenged by God's grace and love for His children. I want to be a woman who accepts His grace and love in my life and can overflow to those around me.

So here is to new beginnings new relationships and new challenges. Thank you for all the support, prayer and love so many of you bring. You are valued!